
DECT Phones & Repeaters (Base Stations)

The DECT (Digital European Cordless) standard describes "cordless" telephony via radio technology and is, to our knowledge, the only radio standard still approved in Germany that allows this application.


The frequencies used by the DECT standard are normally between 1880 MHz and 1900 MHz. These frequencies have so far not been affected by the so-called "digital dividend", in which numerous frequency ranges have been reorganized, and have been extended by the Federal Network Agency until December 31, 2025. We do not currently expect any change after this date either, as the high number of DECT phones in Germany would hardly allow such a change, or only with great difficulty.


As is generally the case in radio telephony, DECT telephones and DECT radio technology (DECT repeaters, DECT access points) are full duplex systems that enable simultaneous speaking and listening. 


Of the coverage options, the DECT standard is clearly subject to TETRA and DMR radio technology (from 430 MHz) due to the high frequency (from 1880 MHz). DECT allows transmission paths of up to 50 metres within facilities, while with the company radio we can also achieve ranges of up to 1,500 metres inside facilities.


Further disadvantages compared to TETRA and digital radios (DMR) can be found in the mostly fixed installation of the battery, as well as in the much smaller selection of accessories. Headsets for DECT phones are inferior to our Motorola and Hytera headsets in terms of volume and flexibility of use. In general, we consider DECT radio telephones to be only suitable to a limited extent for exclusive use in so-called "Mission Critical" communication. A DECT system should therefore always be supplemented by redundant TETRA or DMR radio technology whenever it is to be used to ensure productivity.


The advantages of DECT systems are the low-cost clients (DECT radio telephones), the native full duplex behaviour and the easy connection to an existing telephone system. Almost all current VoIP telephone systems are also designed for use with professional DECT telephones.


DECT has been an integral part of our offer since 1999 and we will be happy to advise you without obligation and with our 360-degree view of indoor and outdoor radio communication. 


The contact details of our DECT team:

Freecall: 00800.
Phone: +49.(0)

DECT telephone base station repeater

Professional DECT phones

Of course, you will only receive from us robust high-end DECT radio telephones that are designed for industrial use and deserve to be called "rock-solid". These professional DECT telephones are far superior to the technology available in the usual electrical markets, not only in terms of programming options, speech intelligibility and battery life, but also provide the basis for a modular DECT radio system.


In the field of DECT telephones, we therefore rely 100% on industrial technology from Spectralink.

DECT repeaters (base stations)

Professional DECT repeaters and DECT access points create the infrastructure for the use of DECT telephones. In addition to extending the range, e.g. to cover entire industrial sites and logistics halls, we also use DECT repeaters for intelligent call management and thus achieve maximum radio economy.


As with the DECT telephones we offer, we also rely on Siemens for DECT repeaters and DECT access points. We offer layout, planning and implementation as well as service and repair of DECT technology in-house.


Of course, we will implement your DECT project within our proven Enterprise Service, including a greatly extended warranty, coverage guarantee, freely definable SLAs and - as far as possible with DECT - individually configurable redundancy.

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