

After Spetraclink, Hytera today also delights us with an overdue update for numerous Hytera DMR radios. The update has the version number 9.2. and is now available for download. Also available for download is DMR software version 7.7 for Hytera's PD5 series. But let Hytera have its say:   "Ladies and ...

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As Hytera informed us today, there are still remaining stocks of the popular DMR repeaters type RD625 and RD965. The same applies to the DMR radio MD655. These products have already been discontinued by Hytera in 2019 - but not yet sold out completely. If there is a demand for these products, our sales team ...

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Gepostet am 15.06.2020

DMR or TETRA - that is the question Hytera shows in the latest case study that DMR can now keep up with TETRA radio. The port of Abu Dhabi - "the" transshipment point for the transport of goods by ship - was completely equipped with DMR radios and DMR repeaters. The case study is also interesting because it shows ...

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